Retention Agreement Form

After treatment, it is important to hold your teeth in position until they settle. Aligning teeth stretches tiny fibres in your gums, which remain stretched for a long time after treatment is finished.

If we only removed the braces or Invisalign® aligners, your teeth would slowly move towards their initial positions. This is what is known as relapse. To prevent relapse, you will have retainers made that are designed for your specific retention needs.

Retainers are an excellent means of reducing relapse, however they may be unsuccessful due to failure to wear them as requested, breakage, or minor tooth movements. This is why your retention will be supervised in the first two years following treatment



This is the most important part of orthodontic treatment! We know that you are proud of the way your teeth look and feel. You should be, however, your part is not over yet. Now begins the retention phase of your treatment.

The type of retainer we give you may be a wire moulded to fit snugly behind your lower front 6 teeth. If so, we strongly advise to leave it in place and not have it removed.

The upper retainer may have a wire across the teeth (4 or 6, depending on the bite) or it may be a clear mouth guard style. The clear mouth guard is removable but please read the instructions below.

Your teeth have a memory. If you do not wear the retainer, your teeth may move. All your hard work and your beautiful smile may be lost if you do not follow these instructions:

Wearing your retainers

Removable retainers must be worn every single night, especially for the first 2 years. After that, you can slowly reduce the wear time but still must be worn a few nights a week, especially while sleeping. If not being worn during these times, they must be placed into your retainer box.

Do not flip the retainer with your tongue. This will damage your teeth and the retainer.

The retainer may feel tight when first placed. This will become more comfortable within a few hours

Retention appointments will check that your retainers are worn correctly, check wisdom teeth if necessary and that your teeth are not moving.

You may be seen by us after your removal of appliances. There are no fees for these appointments, unless your retainers need repairing.

Caring for your retainers

  • Brush your teeth and gums thoroughly and use Oral B Super Floss or Interdental brushes (i.e. Piksters)
  • Brush behind your upper and lower front teeth to thoroughly clean the wire.
  • Brush your retainer with your toothbrush when you brush your teeth. Do not run under hot water!
  • If eating take-away, do not wrap your retainer in a napkin, place it into the retainer box.
  • Please avoid biting into carrots!!
  • Keep your retainers away from pets.
  • Bring retainers to each appointment.
  • The cost of your in-house retainers and the retention appointments for your teeth are included in your original fee quote.

Replacement retainers Replacement retainers

Lost or damaged retainers will attract a charge to cover time and technician costs:

  • Essix (In-house) retainers: $200 per arch
  • Vivera retainers: fee as scheduled

If the upper retainer wire breaks within the first year, it may be removed by the orthodontist or hygienist, but you will still be required to wear the removable retainer. Depending on the severity and extent of the breakage, you will be charged between $180 to $360.

Dental visits

Please continue to visit your general dentist every 6 months during orthodontic treatment.

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